Problem solved.

I'm re-posting here with additional info after posting a reply to an "Empty Dashboard" thread (because the last message before mine was in October)

I too started to experience both an empty dashboard bar, as well as an empty dashboard page when navigating directly to

I may have a "clue", if not an answer. I'm experiencing this on SEVERAL DIFFERENT localhost INSTALLATIONS (all running on XAMPP 1.7.7 on Windows 7).

It's not a theme issue, because I've gone to
and changed themes (including to Plain Yogurt) and the problem remains.

I was considering a re-install until I found the problem on the different installations. So it's not even a specific installation or file issue. Therefore, maybe it is a memory issue with the build, and how it's interacting with the host platform.

I've stopped and restarted both Apache as well as MySql, but that didn't help

Any idea what else I can do, short of waiting for a new build or installing an older one?

Thank you in advance.

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
This is almost always the fault of an error somewhere on the page that kills the page rendering process before it gets to the C5 JavaScript that renders the toolbar.(the js in 'footer_required.php')

I'm not sure what you've tried so far so let's start with the easy stuff first.

First, make sure your PHP debugging level is set to 'Show errors on the page' by going to 'Dashboard->System and Settings->Debug Settings'.

When the page fails to show the toolbar, right-click and choose 'View Source' and scroll down to the bottom to see if there are any php errors showing.

To see JavaScript errors, right-click on the page and choose 'Inspect Element' and then the 'Console' tab.

Do you see any errors using these two methods?
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
With all due respect, it doesn't seem logical to even go down this search path, and here's why. This issue manifested itself on completely different installations. I'm saying a completely different site. It therefore seems it must be something related to this version of Concrete5 on this particular laptop running this particular version of Xampp with it's current settings (all default). If it were a problem with a page, I wouldn't have the problem on the other site/installations.

Wouldn't you agree (now that I clarified it's different sites as well)?

<grin> BTW, I can't get to those settings anyway, since the dashboard is empty. </grin>
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I have no idea what the problem is. My point is that you gotta start diagnosing it somewhere and the steps I outlined were the first things I do whenever there is a problem with a page. That's why I mentioned that these steps were the 'easy stuff'.

I understand that these steps may sound rather simplistic given your level of sophistication but part of reason for posting answers on these forums is to help other, less sophisticated users who pass this way in the future.

Have you checked your Apache server logs?

Try getting to the C5 debug settings with this URL:

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh I appreciate the attempt to help very much. Thank you. I did not mean your suggestion was simplistic, rather that I didn't completely explain the different "sites" installed aspect. So I was simply adding that info for clarification.
I will take your suggestion and check the debug info though.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe you should consider the re-install anyway, you never know.

I know I had a bit of the same issue (with different consequences) when I copied the same install several times instead of re-installing afresh.

Just a thought.

Personally I am not experiencing memory issues on with the same config (xampp and windows 7) or online.
OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem solved. I had JavaScript temporarily disabled in that browser. Duh.