
I have presence_church theme installed. It has a media player block "simple_message_player". It lists my audio files but does not link to them or play them. It has javascripting from mediaelementjs which is available on line. It shows how to use it with WordPress. I cannot get in touch with the original developers. Does anyone know how to fix this block or is there a block that will list your audio set with a simple player. It's just for recorded sermons. I have tried several but none have a very good interface. Thanks.

OKDnet replied on at Permalink Reply
Because I could only find a theme named Presence in Legacy, I'm assuming that's what you're using. So a search there found these add-ons

You might look at this one too
(but you may want to try contacting the dev to see if you feel comfortable he will support it).

There's a few free ones too, but the above look (to me) better suited for your described needs.