Problems in dispatcher.php

Hi, all.

Currently struggling a bit with a C5 install (or rather, trying to pick up the pieces of how my ISP installed it for me). Working through them one by one, but I am now stuck with this error message when trying to access my site.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'LogicException' with message 'Passed array does not specify an existing static method' in /home/fjvoporp/public_html/concrete/dispatcher.php:37 Stack trace: #0 /home/fjvoporp/public_html/concrete/dispatcher.php(37): spl_autoload_register() #1 /home/fjvoporp/public_html/index.php(2): require('/home/fjvoporp/...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/fjvoporp/public_html/concrete/dispatcher.php on line 37

This has happened as a result of trying to move Concrete from a sub-directory to the site root, by the way.

Would appreciate any help, as I'm struggling to see what might be causing the issue here.

Many thanks for any help!