removing subdir from url

Hello all,

I've been using concrete5 now for some time and although the experience is mixed (i had some problems getting a decent performance), but now i'm pretty happy with it (using bootstrap-cache-library i get pageloads of 1.5s and reloads of 0.5s according a benchmark site).

I've installed cc5 into a subdirectory called in cc5site and things work fine in the default configuration. The problem is that i don't like the cc5part in the url. I've tried some different things using htaccess redirects and read some (not so recent) topics on this but i could not get it to work correctly completely after a day experimenting. Today i tried it again but this time i didn't try to remove the cc5site and index.php (pretty url's) in one step, and do it a bit more structured.

I almost got it to work removing the cc5site part, but a single page gives errors. (and i also believe some minor functionality of the administration panel becomes funky, giving html errors as plain text in a dialog box, but that is an other issue ) redirects correctly using the htaccess to and this works for all pages on the site. The single problem i got is that the root page ( and throws exceptions which i can't fix. I figured out it has something to do with the tracking of pages.

The exception i got was:

Exception Occurred: /path/cc5site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ mysql error: [1048: Column 'cID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("insert into PageStatistics (cID, uID, date) values (NULL, 0, NOW())")

the full stacktrace i retrieved from the log
#0 /path/cc5site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ adodb_throw('mysql', 'EXECUTE', 1048, 'Column 'cID' ca...', 'insert into Pag...', false, Object(ADODB_mysql))
    #1 /path/cc5site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->_Execute('insert into Pag...')
    #2 /path/cc5site/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->Execute('insert into Pag...', Array)
    #3 /path/cc5site/concrete/core/models/user.php(229): ADOConnection->Query('insert into Pag...', Array)
    #4 /path/cc5site/concrete/dispatcher.php(233): Concrete5_Model_User->recordView(Object(Page))
    #5 /path/cc5site/index.php(2): require('/path...')
    #6 {main}

Seeing more people have had problems with this (like )
i was wondering if what i'm trying to do is possible or not. Obviously i thought about physically moving the files to the root, but since the number of directories is pretty large and i want to keep my directory clean, this is not really a possibility.

Can anybody give some feedback about how to proceed? Im a pretty decent developper and got a lot of experience using java/php/js etc but i try to resolve this as efficiently as possible.



PS i installed it a year ago but i'have updated 5 times or something using installatron and now i'm running the newest (version

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
You can enable your pretty url to overcome this issue. Go to dashboard, the System & settings, then Pretty URL. Enable this by tick the checkbox.

jan145 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your response, but that is not the real issue now :).

I hope if i got the subdir fixed the pretty url's are done easily since i already got that part to work (more or less).