Setting up search

Hi everyone,

So I have installed C5 and it is working very nicely. What I am after is a guide on how to setup the search functionality.

My platform is Apache on Windows Server 2003. I note on the requirements Lucene is needed, but i've never used it before and I have no clue on how to integrate it into my install.

I am just testing right now so if a re-install is needed to make this work then it will be no problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure if I get this right but c5 contains lucene, you don't have to install anything else as long as your php supports all the necessary modules.

Just tun the indexer job and add a search block somehwere on your page..
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. You were right, I needed to enable php_mbstring.dll and it seems to be OK.

Thanks again.
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
Just an update, I have been trying to run the index search engine job, but it just sits there spinning perpetually.

I have searched around and followed the details here: but still no luck.

I have a clean install of 5.2.0. Is there any way of figuring out what is happening whilst the job is sitting there? Could it be a permissions issue, either in Windows or on the DB itself? Everything else seems to be working fine.

Thanks for any help.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
First, clear out any running jobs in the database directly by

update Jobs set jStatus = 'ENABLED';

Then, go into your dashboard jobs page, and you should see a url at the bottom for running the jobs directly. Copy that URL and append &debug=1 to it



I'm trying to determine if there's something broken or if the jobs themselves are just taking forever (which is possible with Lucene and the way our indexer works - it can be very database and filesystem intensive and time out.)

When running that, does everything run for a really long time and then die, or do you get some sort of PHP error?
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Ok I have completed what you said to do and I get a Fatal Error when trying that URL.

I have attached a text file with the actual error.

Here's hoping this will narrow down what is happening.

Thanks again.
chunksmurray replied on at Permalink Reply
After checking out the error in detail - ('mysql error: [1292: Incorrect datetime value) - I did some digging around and found some posts relating to turning off Strict Mode in MySQL.

So I tried it, rebooted and it now works.

Searching seems to be all good now. Thanks for you help with this guys, much appreciated.
