Site takes more than 20 seconds to load after changing domain name

Originally my site was running on the for development. I needed the domain to change as the company wished to change to the new site. My registrar for the domain then pointed the domain to my server. I added this domain to the server with the document root being /public_html.

I think there is something in the way that concrete is now loading due to the redirection that is causing everything to run really slowly. Running a test.html page from the root is an instant load. From the root there is index.php which says the following:

// straight to news
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location: /concrete/" );

Any suggestions??

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
I just had a look at and yes that was a painful load time, 17.87sec for me.

The code you pasted above is due to the fact you have your site in a sub directory but should not really effect page load. When the site goes live you should really move it up to the root if possible.

I did notice you were running, not sure if you have seen the new Concrete5 release 5.6.1 which addresses major speed issues. You may want to look at doing an upgrade and enable Full Page Caching to see a speed improvement. Try it in a safe area if possible and ensure you have a full back up of your database.

The comparison between loading times of a static html page and a dynamic php page with database is not really a fair one, static html will always win.

Nice site by the way :)