Trying to get past install screen to install purchased theme

I am trying to install C5 to a hosted domain. I have...
***installed C5 to the root directory
***installed the Heywater Theme to the outer themes folder of C5

When I enter my domain name, I have green checks on all topics so I click the blue button "Proceed to Installation" where I need to fill in the boxes with the database information. The problem is the page ( screen shot attached) doesn't look quite right as the icons are not rendering.

I then enter all the information form when I set up the database and then I get an error message...every time. I am aware of case sensitivities when entering names and passwords.

Also, questions #2 is...I also purchased Problog to go along with the Heywater theme, but I don't know where to install that. Is it considered an add on and should go in the add on folder?

Any help you could give this newbie would be appreciated.

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Any theme or add-on you download should be installed in the root/packages folder. If you so choose to install packages manually as you've stated, make sure you are unzipping each package folder and then uploading the extracted folder.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Dont worry about installing any kind of add-on until you have the core successfully installed. If you made any modifications to the core install package I would suggest starting with a fresh copy and tryin the install again.
chrisk860 replied on at Permalink Reply
The C5 package was unzipped and placed directly in the root folder. The theme was placed in the outer themes folder. I haven't made any modifications to anything, but can't seem to get past the install page.
ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks like you have the core in: /regularguywriting/

Best to check where you are installing C5. Might want to check it again with a FTP client.
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi chrisk860,

Just some quick observations/opinions come to mind.
1) Your purchased theme is in the wrong folder. It goes in Packages
2) I've Never added add-ons or themes before installing the core C5 (it may be interfering with your installation)
3) You may have less trouble installing the themes and add-ons from your project page and site's dashboard after installation. This will put them in the proper (packages) folder.

as enlil has recommended: I'd remove what you've done and start fresh and see if installing C5 before anything else will help.

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