Unable to connect to community

Hello! First, let me say that Concrete5 is incredible.

OK, the only issue I've had is attempting to connect the site as a Project within the Concrete5 community. I purchased a number of add-ons but I'm unable to connect them to the site until it is registered as one of my projects.

At the bottom of my site's add-on install dashboard, it does state that my site is currently connect and gives me a URL. When I login, though, using my credentials after following that URL it will not add it as a project.

What am I doing incorrectly?

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Your site is connected to a different username than the one you are using now. That is the only reason I can see.

To reconnect to the community you can follow this how-to: http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/editors/reconnect-to...
NeighborToFamily replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked perfectly! Thanks a lot.