Upgrade error: Concrete5.7.5.6 to

Hello Concrete5 members,

When upgrading from to I got the following error:
An unexpected error occurred.
Call to undefined method Concrete\Core\View\View::getPageObject()

I get this error again when I follow this link:http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php/ccm/system/upgrade...
See attached file!

The website is updated to 5.9 but I am concerned that this will be a problem in the next updates.

1 Attachment

nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Does anybody has a clue? I got the same error with a different website today !
I already tried to enable the default theme!
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure why you're getting this error in, but its something people where aware of in the development branch.

As far as it being a problem, I recall it not being a critical issue... the error does not reoccur correct? And everything still works like it should?
nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey ob7dev,

Thanks for your reply !
Good to know that it is a known problem and that I am not the only one haha.
Everything works fine accept that it didn't install all languages.
I am concerned that future upgrades will not work !
nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey ob7dev,

I found why I got this error.
I had an addon installed called: "Open Graph Tags Lite" when I upgraded to version 2.1.2 the error went away ! :)

So if anybody else has the same problem, you should probably disable or update one of your addons :)