Updating Centralized concrete5 Installation

I have a VPS setup using centralized core for updates.
I am using method Method Three: Modify the global section of your web serverʼs configuration point to this location described here:
Symlinks and everything works fine until I change my symlink to point to the updated concrete folder. I get the same error as if the concrete folder wasn't there.
Anyone have a clue as to what might be going on?

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using the same approach for my centralized installation, and have seen the same issue. The error was all mine as I had the folder structure wrong once and made a spelling mistake another time.

Check out your spelling in httpd.conf and also make sure your concrete directory is located directly in your linked folder and not in a subdirectory (depending on your linking in httpd.conf).
2deez replied on at Permalink Reply
The setup I am running is like this.
alias /concrete /usr/local/share/concrete5/concrete-latest-stable/concrete
which I have in my .conf file.
I also have
php_value include_path ".:/usr/lib/php/PEAR:/usr/local/share/concrete5/concrete-latest-stable"
Which is in my global php file.
I have a symlink
n -s /usr/local/share/concrete5/concrete5.5.2.1 ./concrete-latest-stable
So in my concrete5 folder I have
concrete5.5.2.1 folder with my concrete folder in it
concrete5.6.0.2 folder with my concrete folder in it
concrete-latest-stable -> /usr/local/share/concrete5/concrete5.5.2.1/
This works great as long as my concrete folder owner is the domain user I am setting up.
But I thought all domains would use this alias and symlink. The whole reason for centralized updates.
jasteele12 replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't do any of that, I simply make sure the core directories are readable by the webserver and symlink them into the install directories:

cd somesitedir
ln -s /path/c5521 concrete

cd ../anothersitedir
ln -s /path/c5602 concrete

Works like a champ, no config changes needed...

To upgrade I disable cache, backup database then:
cd somesitedir
rm concrete; ln -s /path/c5602 concrete

run index.php/tools/required/upgrade
2deez replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I understand what you are saying.
Sounds very simular to what I am doing.
My thing is that, on my VPS server. "All" new hosts created will run Concrete5.
So when I add hosting to a new domain. That domain will run Concrete5.
The problem I seem to have is with permissions.
I don't plan to leave it, but even if I set the symlink concrete core directory to 777.
It can only be read by the user:group the concrete directory is set to.
Is there a user:group that can be set that will allow hosts to read from the concrete directory?
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Could be spelling of course. Another cause can be APC or another caching mechanism.

If you run APC, create a php file on your server with this code:


Then run it from the browser and try upgrading again.