upgrade -> gives warning message. Continue update or not?

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My website is currently at and I want to upgrade it to The update is available as an option from the website. But than it displays a warning that I've never seen before: 'Unable to retrieve information about this update.... (see image for full text).
I recently to upgraded without any problem and intend to eventualy bring the site to 5.8.x.
The site is relatively new and was built from scratch on an earlier version of 5.7.

What feeds my caution is that this website is the one that I can not connect the showcase.
Has anyone saw this message before and -if so- was able to successfully implement the update?

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hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I received that same error upgrading, I think it just can't find the release notes/changelog. My update went through with no issue, even with that message.
hhockx replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! Good to know that the update worked OK. Somewhere this weekend I will take a deep breathe and hit the update button!
hhockx replied on at Permalink Reply
I did the update today. It worked like a breeze ;-)