Upgrade from 5.2.1 to the lastest

Hi, how can i can Upgrade from 5.2.1 to the lastest version?

Is very dificult? Where there is clear information?

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
You're better off with a fresh install, to be honest. Otherwise, you will have to upgrade to the next version, one at a time.
janxes replied on at Permalink Reply
And how do you keep all the information?
NBardales replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want to keep all your information, just update (one version at a time, it's just 2 versions anyway) to 5.3.2, once you're done, you can skip all the way to the latest stable version:

If you need help, contact me, I'm currently writing a tutorial on this. Also, I could update it for you.
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
TheRealSean Is the latest automatic pushed version if you are worried about things breaking I would recommend waiting until those bugs have been ironed out and then a update option will appear.

VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you back up your database.
Use the dashboard to backup the site, and store that somewhere.

To manually upgrade upload a concrete version into your updates folder
in your site.php add the version you are upgrading to
define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.X.X');
(You can try without running the following line sometime this will work, but the version you are I believe requires some db changes so will probably need the following bit)

I would be very wary about upgrading to the latest 5.5 version though? directly from 5.2, its safer not to.

Add the following to your url /index.php/tools/upgrade?force=1

To roll back you can delete comment out the version in your site.php,
Depending on what changes where made to your database you may need roll back you database.

I would probably do as Nicole suggests and upgrade one version at a time.

But make sure you backup your database!