Upgrading from C5 to C5.1


I just tried to upgrade as it is written in the README file; I have gone through all the steps, but when I did the step #4 (Visit the URL...) I got this message:

"Upgrade of Concrete 5
Your site is already up to date! The current version of Concrete5 is 5.0.0

You should remove this file for security."

So I was not able to go further and there was no upgrade button as it said (step #6).

I tried with Firefox 3.0.4 (windows), Opera 9.61 and Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.1800, but it was always the same.

I check in the dasboard and it said that :

"The latest version of Concrete5 is 5.1.0. You are running 5.0.0. Update now!"

What else can I do?

I already tried a new installation before, and I'm still having it on my server. Is it possible to transfer my webpage, database manually from C5 to this new installation of C5.1?

Thanks for your help.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you have not yet downloaded C5 5.1 - the update now link should be pointing you to download the new version.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
I will try again.

Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
I download again the last version of C5 and place all the content of the dir "concrete" on my server in the same directory.

After, I visit the url:

and it was the same message as I said in the beginning of these posts.

At this point, it's like impossible to upgrade. I need to know what to do for transferring my webpages, database... into a new fresh installation and not an upgrade. It's the only solution I got.

Just follow the link for the upgrade below and see by yourself; It doesn't work at all. Please help me.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
Any advises?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Try to go to index.php/login/, concrete/index.php/login, etc... and I can't find the login page.

Until we can be clear where that particular page is located...we can't upgrade..
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you help me please?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Just been a bit busy.

So, to upgrade your site, I would go to:


Which you'll notice, says you're already at 5.0.0.

If you download the latest version of C5, you should get an archive that's concrete5.1.0.

Rename the espace/concrete/ directory to espace/concrete_bak/, and then move concrete5.1.0/concrete/ into espace/.

Then go back to


and you should see a message to upgrade from 5.0.0 to 5.1.0, and a button to do so.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
And well do what we can to get the issue sorted out.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
I will try this and give you the result.

Thanks Andrew!
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
It works and I can also enter all my french accents in all my titles.

I have worked around with C5 and tried to find if there was a bug somewhere. There was only one and it wasn't where I supposed.

Here it is:

When I'm on SiteMap and I close a directory (minus to plus icon), I get this message:

Unable to load sitemap data.
Response received."

It works anyway but each time I do this action I get this error message.

Is there a fix for that?

Big thanks Andrew!
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
can you post that to the bugs section as its own sitemap bug, please include browser/platform versions..

Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
vernon replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow I got my upgrade done in 3 minutes after uploading! Great system.