ver file structure

Just started havin a look at C5. Have downloaded ver

I am confused by the file structure. Specifically there is a 2nd level concrete folder within which there are many folder sthat share the same names as top level folders.

site/themes and site/concrete/themes
site/config and site/concrete/config

Many of these folders are empty, though not all.

An error surely?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
No, certainly not an error!

Everythng in /concrete belongs to the core, the actual CMS. All the files you create belong on the other folders.
Having an identical structure also allows you to override a single file form the core.

Basically copy /concrete/blocks/autonav/view.php to /blocks/autonav/view.php and make your chanages there. When you upgrade to a newer version you won't have a problem..