About changin interface language

Sometimes I love Concrete sometimes it just really gets so confusing :-) Still very good job guys ..
Now, I'm getting lost again trying to find out some basic info ... I want to change the interface language from english to spanish ... but I cannot find any clear doc about this ... It's all a bit confusing, with no real differentiation between, "multilingual" add on which allows to translate the site content. As far as the interface is concerned, I found a language pack a needed , uploaded it to the "language" folder but when I go to the site settings I get "You don't have any interface languages installed" ... The question is how do I install it ? Do we need to make this choice upon installation with no way to switch ?
Many thanks !

nteaviation replied on at Permalink Reply
pmarques replied on at Permalink Reply

Your language pack should be a file named "messages.mo". I'm gonna give you a step-by-step, and I'll use pt_PT as an example.

- Create the needed folders so that you have the following folder structure:
(mind the uppercases)
- Edit the file wwwroot/config/site.php
- Add the following line:
define('LOCALE', 'pt_PT');

Note that the value for the LOCALE must match the folder name on the languages folder!

Your Concrete5 installation should now be on the language you installed.
ptityop replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Thanks !! In deed I downloaded some language pack and what it contains are various files with the extension .po , is this of any use in fact ?