Block Type Names not translated in 5.5.1

Hi all,

We made Japanese localized message file, but Block Type Names are still displayed in English at Dashboard Block Type Page. If I run "Refresh core database tables and blocks", then they are displayed in Japanese. Is this a bug??


jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really a bug - just not properly thought through...
(Never got a response)

Basically, the issue is that the strings are placed into the database and no strings coming from the database get translated. If you refresh the db, then they will get translated on the way in, but still not on the way out. Basically, you can only have the dashboard fully translated in one language at the moment - which kinda sucks :(

My solution posted above I reckon would solve the issue, but it would be good to get some opinion from Andrew or Frz before I start trying to code it in...

hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
Dear Jon,
Thanks to reply.

> the issue is that the strings are placed into the database and no strings coming from the database get translated.

I think so. some part of dashboard strings are displayed in one language. this is a barrier when try to make multilingual site.
hissy replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem solved. Here is code:

if (isset($_POST['locale']) && $_POST['locale']) {
   define("ACTIVE_LOCALE", $_POST['locale']);
   $this->set('locale', $_POST['locale']);

changed to
if (isset($_POST['locale']) && $_POST['locale']) {
   define("ACTIVE_LOCALE", $_POST['locale']);
   $this->set('locale', $_POST['locale']);
} else if (file_exists(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php')) {
   require_once(DIR_CONFIG_SITE . '/site_install.php');
      define("ACTIVE_LOCALE", LOCALE);