Multibyte URL and Search will be available - NEED HELP

First of all, all of the following work has been done by Tao.

Since October, we've been working to release Japanese version. And we decided to take our time to support some of multilinguaal & multibyte issues.

The following is the major achievement of our works...

- Add multi-byte URL (can use Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic as URL)
- Multi-byte search (can search Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic and etc.)
- Fixing bugs of Tags search
- Load new language files before conducting upgrade

We decided to

- disable full-page cache upon install
- Switch getAttributeKeyDisplayHandle() back to getAttributeKeyName()

We're hoping to merge these functions into the core system. So that we don't have to re-patch every time... and shorten the time-lag between English and Japanese version. Moreover, other language users will be able to benefit from the changes anyway.

Tao and I were the only ones who mainly worked on this change. We sometime just commit the SVN rather than separate the commits depends on the issue...

We are not really well-documented on these changes. We have been busy paying our own bills first, and trying to finish the translation.

Therefore, I would like to take a volunteer who can take a look at our changes, and re-document and report it to Andrew.

We have not finalize the Japanese version yet.... Please reply and PM me.

You are very welcome to take a look at our SVN.

concrete5 Japan SVN

(Replace "[dot]" to "." & We may move it to GitHub or other service in the near future)

Tao replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you katz.

concrete5 in non-alphabetic characters used to handle or do not define a page when adding a page, the page that is registered with the database handle things as a null.

Some add-ons do not work normally because of this issue.

So I like to use for page handle URLencode also use non-alphabetic character.

An important part of the code is this.
function sanitizeFileSystem($handle, $leaveSlashes=false) {
      $handle = trim($handle);
      $handle = str_replace(PAGE_PATH_SEPARATOR, '-', $handle);
      $searchMulti = array(
      $replaceMulti = array(

function getCollectionPath() {
   return $this->getEncodePath($this->cPath);
public static function getCollectionPathFromID($cID) {
   $path = Cache::get('page_path', $cID);
   if ($path != false) {
   $db = Loader::db();
   $path = $db->GetOne("select cPath from PagePaths inner join CollectionVersions on (PagePaths.cID = CollectionVersions.cID and CollectionVersions.cvIsApproved = 1) where PagePaths.cID = ?", array($cID));
   $path .= '/';
   Cache::set('page_path', $cID, $path);
   return $this->getEncodePath($path);
function getEncodePath($path){

public function getRequestCollectionPath() {
   // I think the regexps take care of the trimming for us but just to be sure..
   $cPath = trim($this->cPath, '/');
   if ($cPath != '') {
      return '/' . urldecode($cPath);
   return '';

public function getRequestedPage() {
   $path = $this->getRequestCollectionPath();
   $r = Cache::get('request_path_page', $path);
   if ($r == false) {
      // Get the longest path (viz most specific match) that is contained
      // within the request path
      $db = Loader::db();
      $r = $db->Execute("select cID,cPath from PagePaths where ? LIKE CONCAT(replace(cPath, '_','\_'),'%') ORDER BY LENGTH(cPath) DESC LIMIT 0,1", array($this->getRequestCollectionPath()));
      $r = $r->FetchRow();
      if (is_array($r)) {
         Cache::set('request_path_page', $path, $r);
   if (is_array($r)) {
      $req = Request::get();

Have confidence much.
In this case, the destination URL of the "$ Page-> cPath" can not be obtained.

I'm sure non-English speaking people would have a similar problem.

Help each other and like each other, reducing the extra work I hope.
Tao replied on at Permalink Reply
When you add an attribute to define why I use the attribute name in the dashboard?

I want to know the intent of the core team.
Tao replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Attached all diff from to Please check it.