t() function in /tools folder isn't working

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We have a PHP file in the / tools folder. This file is called with Ajax.

We have noticed that no translation are generated with t () in this file.

Does anyone know why?

Here's another post with the same problem:

magnolia4 replied on at Permalink Reply
The problem is that the active language is not set in the php file but I don't know why?
mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
Which concrete5 version are you using?
magnolia4 replied on at Permalink Reply
The latest (v. 8.4.4) ;-)
magnolia4 replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess the problem is that the translation doesn't work in the tools directory because when i switch to EN on the website the function $lang = Localization::activeLanguage(); has still the core language DE.
mlocati replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the "Always track user locale" flag of the "/dashboard/system/multilingual/setup" page checked?
magnolia4 replied on at Permalink Reply
No, but I've already tried both states ;-)