Translation of "submit" button in form add-on

I would like to translate the word inside the submit form standard add-on.
Anyone can help me? What is the file I need to edit?

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
There's a couple ways you could go with this:

1) Use a translations / internationalization addon. You might want to check out this one:

2) You could create a custom template for the form block that simply renders the form in a different language. Check the documentation for more on how to do this.
frankysev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello. Thank you very much for your answer, but my idea is simple:
I want to know in which file the word "submit" is displayed, to change it. Would it be possible?
Auto-answer: I had just to change 'Submit' for 'Enviar' in file concrete/core/controllers/blocks/form_minisurvey.php
in the line ...<input class="formBlockSubmitButton ccm-input-button" name="Submit" type="submit" value="'.t('Enviar').'" />