Facebook Like "What's on your mind"

Hi there,

Can you help me create a new block or convert Advanced Comments Add On to facebook like block where:
a) New comments are posted at the TOP,
b) Only 10 comments are posted on a page, and old comments are DELETED,
c) Comments Window appears on TOP of comments, not on below them.


s2d replied on at Permalink Reply
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think the wall share is going to work as the wall (what it's based on) currently has no concept of a specific page... just users.

But if you can wait a week or two, I'm currently working on a new version of the wall that allows posts to be associated not just to users but to objects (e.g., pages) as well.

I'm also going to release a bare bones way of adding comments (a la the wall share).

ranxem replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot!! I'll be waiting for your release!!
ranxem replied on at Permalink Reply
I looked at it and it's not working.
Thank you though!!