Adding quote tag

Hello again. In my attempt to build a Concrete5 website for the first time, I have a question (already asked some, but the list keeps growing).

The website is at

The people the site is for, want to use quotes in between the regular text. I am now using the H3 tag for these quotes, but I would like to have a nice block with drop shadow like this:

I guess I can use the <quote></quote> tags, but there seems to be no other way of adding it than to go into html mode and add it manually. Am I right?
The designer content block seems to be able to do it, but it looks like I have to actually design the whole block (I just want to bring in the effect whenever the users add a quote)

Any thoughts on this?

SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a block called blockquoter that might work for you.
glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Content+ ( might also fit your needs. You can style the pull-quotes with a custom template or use one of the default quote styles.

You might be able to convince me to add more styles too... :P
glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
Also: Your background image is 1.1MB for that site. You definitely want to change it. Might be able to find something on or otherwise just chop that image down into a small width and repeat it across the screen.
djoniba replied on at Permalink Reply
Ups.Forgot to change the code in the css file. It was using the .png file wich was 1.2 mb. The .jpg version is 49k