Bookblock help!

I was planning to convert this

into a concrete5 theme. I got it done but the area where I want to edit
shows an editable box but I can't click it

andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply

keep your js file in this condition
// iincude script here

Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
You mean all my js links and scripts?
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
yes. it seems js is conflicting. so remove them while editing your page
Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry to disturb you so much but could you show me how to do it? I'm getting errors when putting the code inside the php
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
use like this.
<?php       if (!$c->isEditMode()) { ?>
    <script src="<?php       echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>/js/custom.js"></script>
    <?php       } ?>

put all your js work in this condition.
Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you I tried it but now no content is visible on the page however if I do go out of editing mode then all the content can be seen
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
You can check which js file is creating problem by excluding file from this condition. when you get it. just put those file in condition and rest outside of this. then you will also v able to see content in edit mode.

Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried with every js file singly somehow all of them are interdependent on one another so either the page contents doesn't show up at all or it stops working totally
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
Try to figire out your js error by ctrl+shift+j . if you are using firebug , you can see js error in consol tab. Try to remove error if you can.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
2 things I would try...

1) Remove the line that adds jquery.min.js at the bottom because concrete5 already loads jquery.js and if you load it again, there is a conflict.

2) Try commenting out line 7 of bookblock.css. The z-index of 100 might be blocking your ability to click on concrete5 areas.
Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
If I remove jquery.min.js then the whole site stops working
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a public URL we could have a look at?
Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply
well this is the demo

I'm still working on changing it into a working template so I havent uploaded to my main server and it's still on my local host
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
You'll have to careful with javascript and css clashes.

The reason for not being able to edit is probably the z-index.
Antariksh replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
If I remove the z edit I can click on the box but the menu doesn't show full I have attached a pic of it.(pic 1)

The other thing is using the jquery used by concrete5 I have a problem there is no page turn only a grey area is seen(pic 2)
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
As I said, you've got javscript and css issues.

Try playing with the revised version and check out all the demos: