Cannot select a block to edit after installation

I have installed Concrete and i'm now attempting to install a theme I have downloaded from the marketplace.

I have downloaded the zip archive, extracted it and FTP'd the full directory up to the /themes directory. However, after trying a couple of themes I get this error everytime:

File /htdocs/concrete5.5.2.1/themes/cannonf700_zenlike/default.php not found. All themes need default.php and view.php files in them. Consult concrete5 documentation on how to create these files.

Both themes appear to have these files and I have not changed any code, files or structure before uploading.

Is there an issue with the theme of the way I am uploading?


Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you see any failed transfers in the failed transfer box ? It seems like you must have dropped a few files on upload...
crmpicco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ekko,

No there were no failed files in the transfer. I have uploaded two themes and they have both appeared as "No Name" and "No Description".

To describe exactly what i'm doing more, I have FTP'd the "rigidlight" directory that was extracted from the zip archive up to the /concrete5.5.2.1/themes directory on my server.

Is there anything i'm doing wrong?
Ekko replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try installing to packages instead. Most everything will be uploaded to packages.

If it still doesnt remove the package or theme from your server files, and use the extend concrete5 option in dashboard to install the theme from there.

My second thought is that you are installing just the theme files, instead of the whole package. When you have a theme or add on there will be a folder with a controller.php, license, changelog etc with a theme folder that contains the theme files. You need the full directory installed, not just the secondary theme folder.

So - packages/your theme/ - contains controller.php, license, and folder marked theme - /theme/theme-name/ -folder contents- is the breakdown for what your directory should look like. I have a feeling you took the base folder, and not the whole thing.
crmpicco replied on at Permalink Reply
OK - should I upload to the /concrete. directory or the /concrete. directory? All the documentation I find suggests it should be the /themes dir. Am I right?

When I click 'Get More Themes' on the dashboard I get this error:

Unable to generate a marketplace token. Please ensure that allow_url_fopen is turned on, or that cURL is enabled on your server. If these are both true, It's possible your site's IP address may be blacklisted for some reason on our server. Please ask your webhost what your site's outgoing cURL request IP address is, and email it to us at
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply


Yeah the root of your concrete installation. The packages folder should already be there for you.
crmpicco replied on at Permalink Reply
What is happening is that when I upload the "rigidlight" directory up to the themes directory I get the initial error messages saying default.php is not found, etc..

When I upload it to the packages directory I don't see the theme listed in the dashboard under themes, so it would seem I can't install it.

Am I doing something blatantly wrong? I would have assumed installing a new theme via FTP would have been fairly straight forward.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
It should be, and its kind of hard to say where the issue is coming from. Have you tried uploading through the extend concrete 5 option from your dashboard ? That's what I would try if I were in your shoes, and I would make sure to remove the theme from my files first.

Try that quick, and see if your in the same boat.

I just saw that your unable to connect to marketplace, so contact your host, and make sure your setup right. Show them the message you get from c5, and see if they will resolve.
crmpicco replied on at Permalink Reply
I just got this response back from my host:

Hi there,

Free hosting (vistaPanel) does not support remote connectivity functions such as curl, fsock or mail, if these are required functions please consider upgrading via

Best Regards

I'd really rather not have to change host, so is there instructions somewhere for manually importing a theme via FTP as I have attempted, as it would appear I can't used the connection to the marketplace.
citytech2 replied on at Permalink Reply
I think your folder structure might be wrong. When you are uploading the theme directory, just remember the file structure should be like this:
themes/theme_name/{other single pages & respective directories like default.php, css, images etc.}

But I think it is not like as mentioned.

crmpicco replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all the help.

I did have to upload to the /packages dir. From there, i could then install through the 'Add Functionality' menu option.
