change background color of default theme

I believe I need to edit the CSS to change the background color of the default theme (plain yogurt). I tried customizing the theme in Dashboard, but that only works temporarily - then as soon as I look at my site, it's back to the default white background.

I am using Concrete5 downloaded through my web host (but not on my local computer - a Mac). Can I still access the file I need to globally change the background color?


Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
The change should not have been temporary. Did you clear cache on your site And your browser cache after making edits? I find the color changes from the dashboard often don't show until cached is cleared.

So far as editing the CSS of a default theme: As long as you have file access on your hosting site it should be no problem... just don't edit the core on your install. Make your edits on a copy of the default theme then upload it to the upper level / empty "Theme" folder (original resides in upper level > Concrete > Themes) and your upper level edits won't be overwritten when you upgrade in the future.