Converting static site to a theme, losing grids, and other stuff

1. I am also using a css gridding system based off of, grid.css, all of my content is wrapped inside elements that are positioned using this system. From what I'm reading, I'm getting the idea that I can lose that completely and just wrap the text in a div and position it using the c5 editor. It sounds easier and would clean up the code, but I have everything exactly how I want it and I'm not too eager to mess around with it.

2. I had a login system planned that is leaning out the window after starting c5. On all of my pages, I have a drop down slider with login/registration fields so users don't have to go to another page to log in. The registration is too involved to put the fields on the slider so I have two buttons. One leads to a form that will be built by myself, and the other is a Facebook registration button. Both will open a modal window where I load the code for the forms from external html files via ajax.
So, I need to modify the c5 login page into something I can put on this slider and the registration process into something I can include with ajax. It sounds possible but I haven't tried it yet (I haven't tried anything yet) and was looking for some pointers for a place to start.
I also need to be able to pass form data from Facebook to whatever receives it, this seems like more of a chore.
I also want custom profiles, but that's another task for a rainy day when I'm sick off school.

3. I have custom form styling that requires elements to be written in a certain way. Is there any way to modify the default block code for a form like that?

Thanks a ton

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It is quite a feat to take on such a project as a new user, so I suggest you test some basic stuff first before diving in to that project. At least you should break it up in smaller sections.

First I think you should convert you html template into a concrete5 theme. When you are happy with that, you should have a look at single pages and how you can create your own (and also understand what they do).

You should also understand how you can override functionality in the system so you don't break anything by mistake.

I suggest you head over to the "Documentation" section and read up on a few how-tos before getting started.

An excellent on creating a theme from a static html layout is this one:

This one explains how you can modify a core theme:

When it comes to overrides, have a look at this:

How to style and theme single pages:

This one explains how you can hardcode a block into a theme:

There a loads of nice articles in the how-to section, and I would also like to point out the importance of the "Developers Guide" in the Documents section, which explains the basics.

And don't forget to look through the marketplace, because there is a chance someone has already made something you could use (or modify to your liking).

Good luck!
timtorres replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm am currently going through the documentation. I love documentation haha. I've already converted a simple page of my theme over, I just have to finish two more complex pages, both which will be single pages.
Thank you for the links to help get me started, but do you at least have some insight on my #1 question? I can probably figure out the stuff on my own, I was just looking for some starting suggestions.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
The 960 grid will still need to be in place (all divs and all css), but where you want content areas like header, sidebar, main content etc, you need to add content areas.

So if you have some dummy text in there right now where you want content to be displayed, change that text to:
    $a = new Area('Main'); 

The above area will now be named Main and you will be able to add content to that area by clicking on "Add to Main" when in edit mode on the page.

You can also define global areas that will hold the same content throughout your whole site and that will be managed through stacks. Define a global area as follows:
    $ga = new GlobalArea('Header Nav');
timtorres replied on at Permalink Reply