Custom Single page theme_path missing header, footer and stylesheets?

Hi Concrete 5 community,

I'm currently building a custom themed single pages for "register" and "login" and followed the documentation
<a href="">here.</a>

My application/config/app.php the code is such

return array(
    'theme_paths' => array(
        '/register' => 'mytheme',
        '/login' => 'mytheme'

Now when i type in my local host on the address bar there is no header and footer on the login page nor the register page.

But if I change the code to the default theme "Elemental"

return array(
    'theme_paths' => array(
        '/register' => 'elemental',
        '/login' => 'elemental'

It works and I can see the header and the stylesheet of the "Elemental" being added in, how is concrete 5.7 ignoring mytheme header and stylesheet?

Am I missing a required php file which reads a minified css stylesheet and php header?

My theme is under applications/themes/mytheme.

hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Normally when you assign the login/register pages to use your theme they use the view.php, which adds the header/footer to the page.

But because you copied those pages into your theme rather than overriding them in the /application/single_pages they do not use the view.php anymore. This is essentially because you have created a new template by putting them in the theme and you will need to add the header and footer manually just like you do to the rest of your page templates.
josephtan83 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi hutman,

Thank you for your reply,

I tried manually add the script, $this->inc("elements/header.php") and the header still isn't there.

I copied and pasted the whole HTML header into the login.php of the template folder and still does not work. Viewing source there is no opening and closing tags of the HTML doctype either.

Very strange.

Do you have any other suggestions ?

When I look at the code from those two pages which I copied directly did not indicate the use of namespaces which utilises the theming for the default registration and login page of concrete 5.7's core.
josephtan83 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah, I found the solution the theme_paths are case sensitive!

It works differently than namespaces in concrete5.

Anyway thanks for the tip hutman.