Directory structure of theme in concrete5

From what I gather around the internet and partially from the docs is that a theme structure as follows is recommended.


My questions are:

Can main.css and typography.css reside in /css? I like my css neatly organised

Can you use php includes that refer to a directory in your theme? For instance, in default.php, can you have something like <?php require_once echo $this->getThemePath() . "/includes/footer.html"; ?>?

Does echo $this->getThemePath() refer to the correct theme folder when used on files in subdirectories (such as my-theme/includes/footer.php)?

cbodapati replied on at Permalink Reply
1) I don't think it takes much time to test it out. But, its worth it to find out the reason why the concrete team has put them where they are.

2) You could try this too in very less time.

3) Please use the console log to find out what does $this->getThemePath() refer to.

You could save a lot of time by doing these small test instead of waiting for someone to answer.