Homepage not using homepage.php page type

I am building a site and have a section of code that I want to display on the homepage but not on any other page. The section just contains a list of services that the company offers.

I have created a new template file called homepage.php that I have uploaded to root of my theme directory. I then added a page type whose handle is "homepage" via the dashboard.

I then returned to my website, put the homepage in Edit mode and selected Design and chose Homepage from the list. I clicked Save and then saved my edits but the page is still using the default template rather than my homepage template.

The only difference between default.php and homepage.php is the list of services is included in homepage.php and not default.php.

Could anybody explain what I am doing incorrectly?

All help appreciated.


ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
Page types should be added by inspecting your theme. You will need to delete the page type you added, then go into Themes and inspect your theme. This will properly add the page type.

Note: You will need to change your home page page type to something else, then delete all the old page versions that were using the homepage page type before you will be able to remove the page type.