Long Story Short Parallax - Google fonts

Google fonts not working - Tried to activate those?

edit/properties/page properties/custom attributes/Long Story Short Options/ Google Fonts (heading) and Google Fonts (body text)/ added google font name in the field/save

I Used stacks to get few blocks to each slide.
When I purchased this, I hope the latest 1.2 version (with google fonts option) was the one that was downloaded - not basic Long Story Short Parallax?

Thanks anyone!

- finno

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
finno replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks - trying that way to solve it.

finno replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it working - some sort of bug for some fonts.
Thanks to everyone!

- finno
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
Please share how you got it working. Just saying you got it working is great for you, but not too useful for anyone else.
