Package building

Hi there,

i build an package with the following structure:

- blocks
- autonav
- content
- and other...
- single_pages
- login.php
- register.php
- and other...
- themes
- themename
- darc_arc
- and the standart theme content
- controller.php
- icon.php

my controller.php look like this:

     defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
     class ThemeDarcArcPackage extends Package {
   protected $pkgHandle = 'theme_dark_arc';
   protected $appVersionRequired = '5.4.0';
   protected $pkgVersion = '0.1';
   public function getPackageDescription() {
      return t("Darc-Arc-Theme made by Holistic Designs");
   public function getPackageName() {
      return t("Darc-Arc");
   public function install() {
      $pkg = parent::install();
      PageTheme::add('darc_arc', $pkg);

my question:

Why this package is not possible to install.
Thanks a lot.

Ligerat replied on at Permalink Reply
I use the C5-version
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe for PageTheme::add, the handle should be the same as the $pkghandle, "theme_dark_arc"...

EDIT: you may want to check the spelling of "dark/darc" as well for consistency as I notice now, you have two different spellings here...
Ligerat replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot!

OMG i am so blind, i have done all changes and now it installs. But i cant see the theme in dashbord/themes. Anyone an idee what the problem is.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Checked out your package... Rename the folder themes/darc_arc/ to themes/theme_darc_arc/ and it will work!!
Ligerat replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot,

now it works fine.