Purchase a theme but can't find it

Permalink 1 user found helpful
So I just purchased a theme, but it doesn't show up in my licenses or as a transaction (I did get a paypal email receipt for the purchase)

How long does it take for a transaction to appear in your profile and to have access to the theme?

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
This is normally instant.

Has it still not shown up?
elysianacres replied on at Permalink Reply
NOt yet and it says that I haven't purchased any add ons or themes?
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
There were a lot of changes made to concrete5.org today.

This seems to be the first report of this issue.

Send a message to Julia and she will correct the problem.


Unfortunately you are not going to hear back from her until tomorrow when she comes online.

Sorry for your troubles.
elysianacres replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
NO worries:-) Thanks for the point in the right direction.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem at all.
hansmonasso replied on at Permalink Reply
Looks I have the same problem here. Nothing under awaiting installation and there is no way I can download and install extra themes in none of my websites. (well I checked two of them).
To test I chose a free one. Didn't show up.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
This does not sound good. Please send a message to Julia as well.
elysianacres replied on at Permalink Reply
I could always install the free themes. Sounds like a different issue.

Looks like I bought the theme just as they were updating concrete5, so it didn't populate.

Julia fixed things up for me (Of course now I'm workign on an error message I got when I tried to install the theme;-) but that is a different thread (well soon to be)

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure the theme that you are using is compatible with the version of concrete5 that you have installed.
hansmonasso replied on at Permalink Reply
problem is also with non 5.5 sites.


doesn't list anything. Just added a add-on to the site via Concrete5 site but it doesn't show up in my dashboard of the site.