Re-compile Elemental Bootstrap Less

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In my theme I am developing I have attempted to re-use the same css/less file structure as the elemental theme. At first I just made conrete5 re-compile the bootstrap less files whilst making changes but then I realised why that was not the right approach as each page request slowed down considerably. I would like to re-compile the bootstrap less files and output to the bootstrap-modified.css file. So my question is, how do you re-compile the bootstrap less files to bootstrap-modified.css? What is the tool that are people using to do this on Windows? I would like to configure the tool to work with the structure the elemental theme uses if that is possible.

chillax86 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have since found that if I install node.js, less.js and WinLess GUI I can compile the bootstrap.less file to bootstrap.css in the same directory but I have to manually move the file to the /css folder and rename it to bootstrap-modified.css. Does anyone know if there is a better tool I can use where I can configure the output file name and output directory?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
I use grunt - you an specify your input / output desination in your grunt file and just let it sit there waiting/watching until you make any changes to your less file(s)