Sidebar help w/ Silence Theme

Hoping someone can help me out.

I'm using Silence Theme and having an issue w/ sidebar pagetype. My homepage is headered, my other pages are right sidebar but the "floating sidebar title"(see attached A)that I want is not there.

If I change my homepage to "right sidebar" it displays the "floating sidebar title".



1 Attachment

justrj replied on at Permalink Reply
Two things:

It looks like looking at the documentation that those sidebar titles are page lists. Try adding a pagelist block to the sidebar and see if that does anything.

Have you sent a message to the developer? - click on support on the sidebar. That would be the person most intimate with how to make things look more like the demo.

Hope I was able to help though.
Sublime replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick reply.

You're onto something....when I added a pagelist block the sidebar titles showed up. Only they're not editable, they're displaying the titles of other pages on the site.

I am a newb, so I need to read up on pagelists, and mess around w/ the different pagelist settings.

Any other suggestions?


p.s. I also messaged the developer.
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply

I do not really understand.
Page list display title of the page. If you want to change these, just go to your sitemap and change the name of the page.

Sublime replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Seb,

I'd like to have the sidebar titles like these:

They only show up if I make my home page type right sidebar.
If I make any other page a right sidebar page type, the titles don't show up.
tjmartin replied on at Permalink Reply
You would use h3 tag to create that look.
<h3>My New Look</h3>

There really is not any good documentation for this theme. I was copying and pasting for everyone until I accidently used an H3 tage and voila!