Theme edit-mode issues

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Here's what my theme looks like in edit mode:

...And here is what it looks like when nobody is signed in:

Now, you can see that when it's signed out the bar at the top is there, but when in edit mode, it isn't. The edit bar shouldn't be on front of other areas. I made the theme and ported it myself, (the theme isn't quite finished ;)).

How to fix? Is this a known issue?


(also, I included a zip of my theme in case you could ammend it somehow and give it back to me ;)

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Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
if($c->isEditMode()) {
//do something if its in edtimode
if(!$c->isEditMode()) {
//do something if its not editmode

hope that helps a bit
JCinch replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind, I'm using a new theme now ;)

concrete5 is truly awesome! Props to the devs and designers. I really don't know what I'd do without you guys ;)