Unable to get PHP to read properly

Hello everyone here at Concrete community,

I've unfortunately been failing at converting a theme properly for C5 to read it, and I could really use any pointers or help that you would care to bestow upon me!

I designed a site layout in DW (fluid-grid 3 column layout, nothing fancy) and have been trying to convert it to PHP with the code tag additions shown in:


After renaming my files & adding code snippets as in he clip, only the javascript menus were still there, and further tinkering in the code lost even those. I started over from a fresh copy and compared every part of my code to a couple of similar C5 themes I downloaded, mainly focusing on an Orange Sunset theme. I managed to create the content boxes that are editable in the C5 GUI editor but lost every bit of styling.

I THINK that the problem is that the style sheets are not correctly sourcing somehow (I've tried after & inside of the <?=$this->getThemePath()?> addition, from what I've gathered either one of which should be able to find the file) but as to how, or why I am stumped.

Any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! I've been banging my head against a wall now for half the weekend and I'm starting to see curly brackets when I close my eyes... lol

1 Attachment

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Where are your template files (default.php view.php)
WNJohns replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi weyboat,

The first folder is my attempts at getting the code like the video

The second is when I tried to split the code up across a couple separate .php files.

I'm assuming that while at first/for a quick upload I would want to go the first route, eventually I would want my code divided into separate segments like header, footer, etc to streamline load times, right?

Sorry btw if I use wrong terminology or something, I'm pretty much self taught so I'm sure I'm missing important points somewhere >.>
Steevb replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
WNJohns replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for the video post, I had a few php tags that weren't what they needed to be- your a life saver!
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad it helped.
Did you see the second video?

They should get you started, but things are a little different now with the new version of C5 , so be careful.
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Try unzipping this into your Themes directory found in the root of your concrete installation and activate. Hopefully it works for you. I haven't tested it out as I don't have time to at the moment.

If it helps you...please remember to mark my answer as helpful.
