Adding more colours to a website


I feel like this is a simple job but I can't get my head around how to do it!

My client has asked if I can add 4 extra colours to their website, so they can use them on different block. For example, the header block has different background colours they want to be able to change.

I have added the colours to colours.less
@go: #f5b333;
@pronto: #ee7623;
@rapido: #ce0e2d;
@turbo: #ab1738;

and then i know i have to add them as an array in the block's form.php but how do i get the colours to point to correct array. Do they need to be added elsewhere in my css?

Thanks in advance!

Ps, if this is completely wrong just shout!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This doesn't sound like standard C5 functionality, is there a special block that you're working with that allows for a color choice? If so can you provide some code that you need help with?