"Add Your CSS" to default Theme


I'm currently trying to customise the CSS for the default (Plain Yogurt) theme

Adding CSS using the "Dashboard->Pages & Themes->Plain Yogurt->Customise->Add Your Own CSS" doesn't seem to have any effect!

Am I missing something?

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you tell us what you're pasting into the "Add Your Own CSS" box that appears there?
fowlesp replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm actually pasting in the CSS.

The problem I'm trying to solve is the styling of tables used in block content (I'm a C5 newbie using v5.4.1.1 by the way)

so the CSS is something like
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  border-collapse: collapse;
  border: 1px solid DarkGrey;
  color: Black;
deleteme replied on at Permalink Reply
Im having the same issue, all but the first line of css dissapears. Im using the default green theme.