Automatic banner for page type

Hello folks !

I have a blog on my website and I would like to automatically add the same banner to new articles (written on "blog entry" page type). The banner I want is the same as the blog main page (I don't know if it can help).

Do someone knows how to do it ?

Thank you very much ! :)

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Is the banner on your Blog Main Page a block or is it part of the page template?

If it's a block you should be able to go into your Dashboard -> Pages & Themes -> Page Types and edit the Blog Entry page type Output and add the banner there, it will then be added to all new Blog Entry page types.
martinlebrun replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your answer ! But my banner is part of my theme... I'm going to check if the block is in my theme's folder.