Changing header image

I'm new to concrete 5 and website building/editing and I need some help.
Can't seem to find where to change/edit my header image...


Thanks for your help.
Best regards,

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This is probably in Dashboard -> Stacks & Blocks -> Stacks (possibly need to switch to Global Areas from uppper right hand dropdown) something like Site Name.
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
See attached file, this is what it looks like to me.
Where do I go from here to change the header image?

Best regards,
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Well darn, then it looks like you'll have to change it in your theme files, not through the CMS. So you will have to login to the server using FTP and replace /themes/earthling_two/img/header.jpg
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I replace it?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You will need to log in to the server with FTP and manually replace the file, this can not be done through your website login
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
Have logged in already, but don't understand how to remove it and add the other picture instead....
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Upload another file with the same name to replace it.
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks Hutman, and sorry but I still don't get it.
Look at attached file, to see what my ftp site looks like to me when I'm logged in.
How would I upload it?

Best regards,
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try using a different FTP client like Filezilla or something like that, where you can drag files from your local computer up to the server to overwrite.
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok thanks a lot Hutman !
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
Uploaded it via Filezilla, cleared cache, but still the old header is left, and the new is nowhere to be seen...
What can I have done wrong this time haha? :P
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You named it exactly the same thing as the old one, and when prompted overwrote the old one?
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah excactly!
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Assuming that you are accessing the correct server and replaced the file at /themes/earthling_two/img/header.jpg that should be all you need to do.
atiqursumon replied on at Permalink Reply
What do you mean the favicon icon
jekas91 replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, header.