Column count

Can I set different column count, for different screen sizes (lg, md, xs) for containers?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi trsh,

To better assist you, please include more specific details about what you are trying to achieve.
trsh replied on at Permalink Reply
col-xs-12, col-md-6 etc. Right now the brake-points aren't present in layout administrating.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
You should use "theme area layout presets". Just "Add Layout" (instead of "Add Block") and select one of the presets you defined in your theme. More about that here:
trsh replied on at Permalink Reply
This solutions kind of takes away a lot of freedom for editors and forces to code. I can not possibly define every combination of xs,md,lg,sm.
trsh replied on at Permalink Reply
I will probably start work on a PR next week, if not accepted will just use my self.
It will introduce brake-points and columns under it.
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
The thing is, the current column making/defining just doesn't cut it. You can't add extra breakpoints. If you were to add this in, that would be really useful for a whole lot of people.

Bear in mind though, some editors can't know what these breakpoints mean and how they will turn out. So presets are ALWAYS useful. Just try and make only those that are really needed and try and see if you can get some grids into blocks (templates)!

Let us know in this thread when you've made a PR on GitHub.
trsh replied on at Permalink Reply

About this: "Bear in mind though, some editors can't know what these breakpoints mean and how they will turn out" >> well that's really the job of the grid system - foundation, bootstrap or whatever. So when you chose one, you now for what you are going.
trsh replied on at Permalink Reply
I mean most (I would say all) of the gird systems fallow the same pattern:

There is a row and then column:

Foundation: row >> small-2 large-4
Bootstrap: row >>col-xs-2 col-lg-4
Bulma: columns >> is-three-quarters ...

So all that needs to be done, is settings something like $brakepoints => 'xs' => 'col-xs-1', 'col-xs-2'..., 'lg' => 'col-lg-1', 'col-lg-2'..., to according grid config and small logic (and ui) that work with that. The end result would be something class="col-lg-4 col-md-2". Or how precise the editor want's. If no brake-points added to gird config, the current logic kicks in.