Creating not clickable menu items

Hi everyone,

I've got two issues creating auto-nav menu on my page:

1. I'd like to add subpages to an external link, so the generated auto-nav menu would:
- on the top level link to an external page
- nested levels link to concrete pages

When I try to do this I get a message in the sitemap editor - "You may not move/copy/alias the chosen page(s) to that location."

2. Disable links on the top level menu items, so the nested sub-menu items would be clickable only. At the moment to create the structure I have to create dummy pages and add content In case a user would click them....

Any solutions?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi extensi,

I don't believe you can add child pages to external links.

You can disable the top level menu item links using JavaScript (using preventDefault()) or create a custom Auto-Nav template and setting the link href attribute to "#".
extensi replied on at Permalink Reply
$('a[href$="/products"]').removeAttr('href'); did the trick