disable right click

hello, I would like an add on to disable right click. some forums have discussed this in relation to protecting photos, but I want to do it to hide the 'view source' for access to my metadata etc. on my webpages.

theneptune replied on at Permalink Reply
You can achieve it by using jQuery. In the header of your theme write:
              return false;

This will disable the right click.
kieranrushby replied on at Permalink Reply
Whilst this will disable the right click, I wouldn't use this thinking it will stop anyone accessing the source for your meta data. Simply hitting F12 or disabling JavaScript will allow anyone straight in there and the people who will want to look at your source and metadata will know about these options.

Basically if your not happy with it being there your better off taking it out.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
You cannot prevent one from viewing source code. If you use metadata, then it means you like it to be searchable. So there is no mean to hide it from people.

Regarding the code aspect, the view source only show you the html output, not server side scripts like php. So don't worry about code theft.

simon8or replied on at Permalink Reply
The way I keep people from downloading flyers (images) including clients who may want to use the web version for print is; I slice the original image (flyer) in fireworks, then export it as html and images to a separate server. On the concrete5 website I call the url of the sliced html in a "Dynamic I frame". It works as far as not being able to get the complete image. When they try to download images, all they get are slices. Most people aren't savvy enough to collect all slices and put them together, and those who are won't take the time to do it.

See it here:http://bronxbodyfitness.com/index.php?cID=139...
CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
That works either. See attachment!