Edit page attributes directly from a page-list-item

My visitors shouldn't see some pages but only their list item. So the item is not linked to the page.
The Problem: Everytime I have to edit a pages attributes I have to go to the according page first.
I use a "IsLoggedIn" to display a little icon which is linked to the relevant page.

I am trying to find a way to edit pages – which are listed in a page list – directly from the page list, by a link which is only visible, when I am logged in. That means, that the link should open up the relevant attributes overlay.


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This doesn't really give you what you asked for, but you can edit these pages through the Dashboard -> Full Sitemap so you don't have to click through the front end of the site to get to each one, they're all there for editing.
radeff replied on at Permalink Reply
You may try this
- create a page list if you don't already have one for your users, based on their attributes, see
- create links to ad hoc forms, see
OR work with single_pages
- then assign attributes seehttps://documentation.concrete5.org/developers/working-with-pages/wo...
it is likely that you'll have to use advanced permissions; BE CAREFUL: once you've setted advanced permissions, no way to come back to simple permissions, so do your developement on a sandbox...