Editing Problems

Hi. I've never used Concrete5 before but have been 'given' a website (the original developer is no longer contactable) to attempt to edit. I can login and when I click edit page on the home page I get red bordered blocks of text which are clickable and editable. However when I try this on the contacts page or the about us page I get the red borders but they don't appear to respond to mouse clicks in any way. How do I edit this content?

teddenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Do the area's highlight when you hover with your mouse on them?
Do you have an url for us?
AlanSi29 replied on at Permalink Reply
The areas I'd like to edit get red borders but they do not highlight as such. The URL is:http://www.lindon-travers.co.uk . Would you like me to email you a login password?
Pluto replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello AlanSi29
This might happening because of some wrong css. Can you provide me your web site link.
AlanSi29 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi the website I have been asked to edit is athttp://www.lindon-travers.co.uk. Can I send you a login password by some private means?