Error adding File to Fileset

Am receiving the following error: Exception Occurred: /usr/www/users/fv/Concrete5/updates/concrete5.6.2.1_updater/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ mysqlt error: [1048: Column 'timestamp' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO FileSetFiles(fsfID,fID,fsID,timestamp,fsDisplayOrder) VALUES (NULL,'1419','11',NULL,'92')")

I checked out post but do not understand the fix. I am not able to upgrade to 5.7 at this time. Would appreciate guidance as to how this can be fixed.
Thank you.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like this issue was fixed in -

Can you upgrade to 5.6.3 and then to
FamilyVoices replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks very much for your response. The update corrected the problem, as you indicated!