
I have got my site developed 3 years ago. I have a serious problem with my site as the developer seems that he blocked my site domain from accessing the C5 community & the marketplace. In other words I can not get any updates or use any add ons.
i have tried to ask some experienced C5 developers to fix this but they could not.
I am trying to reach out for C5 the company itself throught their contact form on the site but the Capcha code is not working and i can not send it.
Anybody can help me with their support email of phone number.
Thank you

1 Attachment

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Assuming you are on c5.6 (not 5.7). Look at the file /config/site.php, there may be one or more lines defining a constant that disables marketplace connection. See

On 5.7, the equivalent configuration is
boulla101 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thank you for your advice.
I have changed "false" to "true" in site.php file
but the same problem remains as you can see it here.
Can Concrete5 people me about this?
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you attach a screenshot or insert in a post what your config file says. Make sure to crop, hide or otherwise leave out the lines like those below as to publish those lines could compromise security.

define('DB_SERVER', '**');
define('DB_USERNAME', '**');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '**');
define('DB_DATABASE', '**');
define('PASSWORD_SALT', '**');
boulla101 replied on at Permalink Reply
I may mis-explained what i want to do. All I want is to connect T2E to C5 Marketplace so i can use C5 add ons ..I already contacted C5 trying to get their help in this issue.Cheers Islam

On Saturday, January 21, 2017 2:27 AM, concrete5 Community <> wrote: