How to remove Robot NoIndex Metatag from Page Headers

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I need to remove the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> from the header tag on all of our thousands of pages as soon as possible.

For example:

I am between develpors so I am trying to figure this out on my own. After searching for about 90 minuets, I still do not see where I can remove it. I do see the following but the do not seem to be what is needed:

'Exclude From Search Index' under an individual pages' in the Attributes section. We do not have that selected on any page I can see.

Under the Dashboard / Pages and Themes / Navigation and Indexing / Exclude From Search Index' and its 'Checkbox: Basic Details'.

I see 'Exclude from Search Index' mentioned on this page. It suggests its in the Theme folder. I have found 'themes folder but it contains 5 other directories.

No results were found when I search the documentation for 'Robots' or 'noindex'

However I found in the Release Notes: Added event for modifying page meta tags and title attribute in header_required.php

However I could not find this file and even if I could, I would not be certain how to edit the php to remove this tag.

All past forum posts appear regarding this issue appear to apply to older versions.

Thanks for any instructions.

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This tag gets added to the page when exclude_search_index is turned on.

You will want to go to Dashboard -> Sitemap -> Page Search click on the "Advanced" link in the search box. Then click the "Add Field" button and select "Exclude From Search Index" from the dropdown, check the Yes box, and click the Search button. This should give you all the pages that have this attribute turned on.

Turn this attribute off for all pages.

Go to Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Automated Jobs click "Run" next to "Index Search Engine - All".

Go to Dashboard -> System & Settings -> Clear Cache click the Clear Cache button.

Once this has completed go to the front end of your site and do a hard refresh (CTRL + F5) and that should be gone for you.
ExRxNet replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Thanks Hutman. Unfortunately this did not work. Instead of pulling up all our pages (~3000 pages), the advanced search showed a small list of several pages (see first attachment), most of which had been exclude for a reason (eg: confirmation pages, hidden pages for quizzes, etc). I had actually forgotten about them. In contrast to this small list of 5 pages with the 'Exclude From Search Index', notice that every page you visit on our site has the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> in the header. Not so good for Google search!

However I was able to find a few pages that should have not been 'Exclude From Search Index'. The interesting thing is after I removed the 'Exclude From Search Index' attribute from those few pages the <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> still remained. I was sure to save the changes and clear the cache as you had instructed. I even viewed the code in a second browser. See attachment

So it appears something other than the 'Exclude From Search Index' must have added them to all my pages. Any other ideas?
ExRxNet replied on at Permalink Reply
My former developer finally replied. I was not sure he would. For anyone else with this issue that cannot get it removed with Hutman's recommendations, he said:

Done I removed it, it was coded inside the theme header.php. It was either hard coded by a previous developer or the theme already. I just went to the theme header.php which controls all the website and removed the line <meta content"noindex">


I do appreciate you trying to help, Hutman. Thanks again.