[SOLVED] How to solve my problem with the french accent?


Everything is working fine and it's suprise me a lot. But when there's some french accents in the Page Name, it render with strange caracters.

Page Name: porte d'entrée

In the Page description: porte d'entr♦e

And in the title bar of the Navigator:
porte d'entrẦ©

Where is the problem? SQL charset? Configuration of Concrete5?

I have attach a file with the screen capture of my exemple.

Thanks for your help.

1 Attachment

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
what's the charset of your html file? I don't have such problems but I always use utf8...?
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
The charset of my HTML file? I don't know. I just install C5 and used it as it is.

Maybe I should look to SQL database and find if it's ISO-8859-1 or UTF8; what do you think?

Thanks for helping a newbie like me!
Have a nice day.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
what does your meta tag say?

please also check the request and the response header, does the webserver answer utf8 or not?
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
> what does your meta tag say?

Here is the meta tag of all the webpages:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

> please also check the request and the response header, does the webserver answer utf8 or not?

Hum... I'm not sure what you mean by "the request and the response header".

I check in PhPMyAdmin and all is in :

I hope it help you to understand my case.

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
have you tried to replace iso-8859-1 with utf-8?

This page for example works fine with all the funny characters the europeans need:http://www.concrete5.ch/
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply

Could you explain me where I should make this change? What files? Where? Only the meta tag?

Is there a place where I can make this change for all the webpage that is already created?

Is there a setup in the configuration of C5 that I can turn all my webpages to utf8?

ALL my webpages are iso-8859-1, except for the login page who is utf8. Why is it that way?

Thanks Remo for your enlightment. I really need to understand why it is like this and how to change that!
gueric replied on at Permalink Reply
maybe the easiest way to fix it, is to use a newer version because in the last release candidate all the charsets in the headers are set to utf-8.

if you don't want to upgrade you can go to your theme folder and open defaut.php or elements/header.php, find the line
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

and change it to
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Gueric!

Is there a way we can upgrade now? And what is the link for doing that?

Big thanks for the explanations. It's appreciated.
gueric replied on at Permalink Reply
seeing that you're already registered in the french forum and because it will be easier for me to explain that stuff in my mother tongue, would you mind open a thread over there

thanx and see you the other side
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
It will be "français à québécois" !
gueric replied on at Permalink Reply
and about that, you can find here
the .po file you will need to have the C5 interface in french, but do not hesitate to modify it to have the fr_CA translation
it would be nice for people from quebec to have their inetrface localized