IPage Login issues and after editing a bit - Edit button gone

Hi, I've had a lot of the installation problems btwn Ipage/concrete5 as others have described. I'm very new to concrete5 but really looking forward to using it, am not a professional at all, but done a few blogs, etc.

Twice now i've been in my new site, trying to create the home page, and after inserting new content (video, or several pics) I go to preview my changes and I'm no longer IN my site. Rather, the EDIT button is gone, i can access my dashboard, file manager, i'm IN, but the EDIT button usually at the upper left side, next to the concrete5 icon, is gone.
The page elements, blocks, are outlined as if i COULD edit, but when i click on them, nothing, No grey, no nothing.
the site is:www.www.yeshivathamekubalim.org...

I logged back into IPage, cleared my cache in concrete5, and my own browser, tried to log in thru the link provided (via simplyscripts) enter my login name and pw, but when i'm at the dashboard, I see RETURN TO WEBSITE and and arrow, which i press. Normally, i'd be able to then edit, but there is no EDIT button.
If i login to my site at the little link at the bottom of the screen, same thing. Not editable. this has happened twice and IPage is escalating the issue, but i'm waaaaiiiiitttttiiiiinnnngggggggggggg.

I've attached a screenshot of my screen when I"m theoretically logged in, but have no edit button.

1 Attachment

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Is your site in maintenance mode? If so take it out of maintenance mode and try again..
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
To go directly to your maintenance page use this url
RuthAlfasi replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks, i just a little while ago (1/2hour?) set it maintenance mode.
I think the issue is IPage since they insist that it isn't:)
RuthAlfasi replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks, it is in maintenance mode now, only because the site looks rediculous, but when i wrote this message, it wasn't.

IPage finally said it's a problem with the template. I switched to the basic one is the default and it works fine, but i'm pretty frustrated since i'd like something alittle more wow than that.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
PM me the content of your header.php file from your faulty template, I will take a look.
RuthAlfasi replied on at Permalink Reply
not sure how to do that. What's PM?
Anyway, i have no header content, since everything i've tried just looks bad.

not sure if i'm just too "green" for concrete5
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
What theme were you trying to use?
RuthAlfasi replied on at Permalink Reply
i tried Earthtones, Blue - same issue ie no edit button after a while of trying to create my pages.

Yosemite, same thing.
And then up until about an hour ago, i was using Greek Yogurt, i think.

Now i'm just using plain yogurt and it's horrible looking, not because of the template but because it's just sad...

may have to try something else, but ipage's only other option is Weebly, which is beyond stupid and wordpress and A)i'm not building a blog
and B) their interface contrast is too small and too light for me.