Login Error all of a sudden?

Concrete5 version 8 latest.


Class 'OpenIDAuth' not found

Not sure when this happened it is a new site. I was logged in as admin on another computer and set the site up from that computer.

Any help would be appreciated.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You didn't by any chance attempt to replace the concrete folder of a 5.6 site with 8.3.2 did you? It appears that this login page is loading a 5.6 login, but the front end of the site shows 8.3.2.
cryofix replied on at Permalink Reply
I did not and that is the weird thing I installed this via command line so I still have the source should I replace a file or a whole directory?
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I'm not sure what to replace. It sure seems like this is somehow getting contents of a 5.6 site. Have you deleted everything in application/files/cache?
cryofix replied on at Permalink Reply
I replaced all of the files
$ cp -rp ~/concrete5-8.3.2/* .
where . in my site concrete5 root directory. Same results. Same error.

Now I am wondering if this is theme related
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I can see this page now http://www.test8.tandlracing.com/index.php/login...

Can you see it if you do a hard refresh?
cryofix replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, this is now fixed THANK YOU.

Here is what happened
I deleted the cache files and it worked.

Why this happened in the first place is an assumption but here goes,

I copied the 5.8 site (dev site) over to the 5.6 (prod site) by flat file copy. Removed 5.6 directorys, coped 5.8 into docroot. I assume somehow when I copied it over temp login files were created from web cache?

Anyway, Thank you again.